Vern Ruhle

December 22ndDecember 22nd

December 22nd

Happy Birthday to Steve Carlton, Lee Mazzilli gets traded again, and the end of the road for a very underrated…

3 years ago
February 19thFebruary 19th

February 19th

Happy Birthday to Smoke, a fan favorite returns to Minnesota, and Fernando makes history off the field on February 19th…

4 years ago
January 25thJanuary 25th

January 25th

Happy Birthday to Brian Holman, Kirby Puckett sets a record, and the Cubs threaten to move on January 25th in…

4 years ago
January 20thJanuary 20th

January 20th

Happy Birthday to Ozzie Guillen, Pete Rose heads north, and the Reds lose a future star as a compensation pick…

4 years ago