Milwaukee Brewers

Suds Series

The story behind the writing of my new book, "Suds Series"

2 years ago

Robin Yount and the 1982 MVP Vote

Robin Yount missed being the seventh player to unanimously win the MVP by one vote in 1982. Meet the man…

2 years ago

(Mark) Clear as Mud

Not many guys can go from getting seriously knocked around in the Appy League to becoming a Major League All-Star…

8 years ago

Cecil Cooper and the Forgotten Summer of 1980

Like the character in the movie Airplane!, who picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue, Milwaukee Brewers first baseman…

8 years ago

Brewer Bombers

It took the Milwaukee Brewers all of 11 innings to assert themselves as one of the top offensive teams of…

8 years ago

That Time I Wrote George Bamberger

Note: This is a guest post from Christopher Zantow I grew up in Wisconsin as a Milwaukee Brewers fan, but…

8 years ago

That Time I Met Sixto Lezcano

Note: This is a guest post from Christopher Zantow I grew up watching Sixto Lezcano patrol the outfield for the…

8 years ago

That Time I Met Robin Yount

Note: This is a guest post from Christopher Zantow I feel fortunate to have grown up in what many consider…

8 years ago

Tinker Tailor Pitcher Spy

George Bamberger took over as the Brewers manager prior to the 1978 season after serving as a pitching coach under…

9 years ago